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Services (13)

Technical Support Contact Information

Department's Hours of Operation, Phone and Email information

General Help Service Request

Can't find what you need? Submit a ticket.

Report an Incident or Problem

Report a technology-related incident or problem.

Password Reset Request

Student’s or Employee's password reset request for Network, Email, SOS, My San Jac Portal, Office 365 account.

Claim My Account Issue

A student experiencing issues with the account claim process.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Reset

Request help or report an issue with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Report an Account/Login Issue

Account issue not related to a password or MFA.

Report an Issue with an Online Form (Dynamic Forms)

Users experiencing issues with logging in or trying to fill out an online form.

Report an Issue in a Classroom, Lab or Shared Space

An issue with a computer or device not working as intended.

Report a Network/WiFi/Internet Issue

Need to report unplanned loss of network & Internet access or interruption of service.

Report a Telephone/Voicemail Issue

Report an issue with a campus telephone or employee voicemail.

Report a Software/Hardware/Printing Issue

Reporting a non-specific Software/Hardware issues

Report a Cybersecurity Issue

Request to investigate a possible technical security concern by the Office of Cybersecurity (OCS).