Report a Network/WiFi/Internet Issue

Need to report unplanned loss of network & Internet access or interruption of service.
A short description to explain the connection issue you are having.
Select the option that best describes you.
Please select the option that best describes you (Student/Employee/Guest).
Select the option that best describes you.
List the best phone number to contact you at.
List your preferred contact email address. This will be used by our Technicians to contact you.
Please enter the full campus building number and room number in this box.
What network are you trying to connect to and are having issues with?
What network are you trying to connect to and are having issues with?
What device(s) are you having issues with connecting?
Check off the devices you are trying to connect with. You can select multiple items.
What device(s) are you having issues with connecting?
The age of your password could be causing this issue.
Please go to log in with your username and password and try resetting it then try to connect to the SJC Secure Wi-Fi. Passwords that are more than 1 year or longer can cause a conflict.
Did you try the step above recommending a password reset then trying again?
Did you try the step above recommending a password reset then trying again?
Did you try or re-try SJC Guest Setup/Onboarding process?
You may want to re-try the on-boarding process again. You may need to try with another personal email account. It will send you an email from
Here is the guide for our SJC Wi-Fi.
Did you try the step above recommending re-onboarding then trying again?
Did you try the step above recommending re-onboarding then trying again?
Have you tired rebooting the device?
Have you tired rebooting the device?
Please provide any additional details about your issue.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
How to find the computer's name please see this guide:
Do you know if anyone else in your area/location are having the same trouble?
Select the best option.
Do you know if anyone else in your area/location are having the same trouble?

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code