Article Summary
Guide on how to get a computer's name. This is used for requesting service and support on a San Jacinto College-issued computer.
Applies To
Employees, Students
San Jacinto College computers should have a label/sticker located on the device. The sticker will begin with "O" for office or employee computer or "L" for classroom, lab or shared spaced computer, and it will then contain its location C-11.199, and finally the computer number 011.
Example: OC11-199PC011
If there is not a sticker, you can get the computer name the following way:
Windows 10 & 11
- Right click on your Start menu .
- Next go to System.
- Now look for Device name. That is the computer name.
Mac OS
- On your Mac, choose Apple menu and then System Settings.
- Click General in the sidebar, and then click About on the right. (You may need to scroll down.)
Stickers on the device:
Each device should have a sticker with the device's name for easy use. Here are some examples:
Click the image for a larger view.


Lectern Desktop Computer
Student Desktop Computer - All In One Stand
Student Desktop Computer - Monitor View
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