Email Distribution List

Service Overview

Distribution lists are used to send emails to groups of people without having to enter each recipient's individual address.
You can request a new distribution list be created, modified or removed.

Applies To


Getting Started

New Distribution List

  • Gather the actual name of the distribution list you wish to have created. Make sure to look at the Global Address list in Outlook to verify the name has not already been used. Note that all distribution lists will start with "DL - (desired name)". Next decide who will be the owner of the Distribution list. There can be more than one owner. Please make sure to list owners email addresses in your request.  

Modify the Distribution List name

  • To have a distribution list name changed simply be the owner of the Distribution list and submit the current name and desired changes.

Delete or Remove a Distribution List

  • To have a distribution list deleted from the system you must be the owner of the list then submit the request with its name asking that it be removed from the system. Note once deleted the list can be re-created but we will not be able to recover a list of prior users. 

To Modify User(s) (Receivers, Owners and Senders) of a Distribution list. 

  • Adding users to a distribution list for a College or Campus wide distribution list - Employees are automatically added depending on an employee's position and location at the college. Leaders do not need to request their employees be added to a list.  However, if an employee works at multiple campuses and there is a need for them to be added to multiple lists the leader will need to submit the request and list the reason for adding the employee to other campus wide distribution list. Leader will need to provide the employee's name, G number and distribution list name(s).  
  • Adding users to non-College-wide or non-Campus-wide Distribution list - please reach out to the owner of that list to have an employee added. If no owner is showing, the leader can submit a request with the employee's name, G number and distribution list name(s).  
  • Adding owners to a Distribution List - Remember owner(s) of a distribution list can add and remove employees of the distribution list. Leader will need to submit employee's name, G number and distribution list name(s).  
  • Adding Send To Rights to College-wide or Campus-wide Distribution List - Send To rights provide the ability for an employee to email one of the College-wide or Campus-wide distribution lists. The College-wide or Campus-wide distribution lists are restricted and Send To rights must be approved by the employee's SLCC member or higher. To request Send To rights to a College-wide or Campus-wide distribution list the  SLCC Leader will need to provide the employee name, G number and distribution list name(s).  

Click on the Request Service button on this page to submit your request.

Additional Information / Contact Information

Typical turn around is 1-3 business days. 

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