New or Change to Lab/Classroom/Workroom/Shared Spaces Technology

Service Overview

Requesting new, replacement, or removal of technology in a Lab, Classroom, Workroom, Conference Room, or any other Shared Space. Equipment will be utilized by multiple users and/or is not considered to be an employee's primary computer or office that is for individual assignment or use.
Changes include adding and removing computers and monitors, audio/video equipment, or seeking a different type of computer.

Applies To


Getting Started

You will need the location(s), name of the responsible custodian for the technology, short description of existing equipment (if any), basic description of computer or audio/video equipment desired, and the requested completion date. For Lab and classroom technology you must also include the name of the approving Provost and/or Dean.

Lab and classroom technology is coordinated with the Provost's office of each campus. Requests for new, or changes to, lab and classroom technology must be approved by the respective Provost or as delegated to their Dean of Administration.

Additional Information / Contact Information

This request is NOT for software. Use this request for physical computers, audio/video equipment, or other technology.  

Tech Support Contact Information & Hours