Report an Issue in a Classroom, Lab or Shared Space - Employee Request

Incident and Problem Overview

Use this Incident Form to report an issue with computers or A/V media equipment in a classroom, lab, or shared space that does not impact use/instruction. For immediate assistance, use the Class or Event In Session Issue request or call TechSupport at 281-998-6137.


Basic troubleshooting steps:

1. Reboot the computer, or device having issues by turning it off and on.

2. Verify network connectivity. Can you access another website or online resource? 

3. Are others experiencing this issue or is it an isolated event? Include this information when reporting the incident.

How to Report an Incident or Problem

For Employees please click on the Employee Request button and for Student & Public please use the Student & Public Request button to open an incident ticket.

Contact & Support Hours

Tech Support Contact Information & Hours


Employee Request


Service Offering Id: 29
Thu 12/7/23 12:55 PM
Thu 5/2/24 1:38 PM