Blackboard Merged Course Support

Service Overview

Request Assistance or Report an Issue with a Merged Course site or Request to have courses Unmerged.

Applies To


Getting Started

If there are any issues with your merged courses, Blackboard Support can address the issue.  A Course Merge can be undone if a different Instructor is assigned to one of the courses.

Additional Information / Contact Information

Any content in the merged course must be Exported prior to an Unmerge process if it needs to be added back to an original section.  The unmerge process does not move content or student work.  A course cannot be unmerged after students have done any work in the course.  All student work and records of activity would be lost in the process.

To report a problem or for further assistance please select the Request Service button on the right.


Blackboard Support Contact Information & Hours

Request Service


Service ID: 162
Wed 10/18/23 4:11 PM
Thu 5/9/24 11:19 AM