Blackboard UBN Calendar Page

Service Overview

Request Assistance or Report an Issue with the Calendar Page in Blackboard.

Applies To

Employees, Students

Getting Started

All events created within a specific course roll up into the global calendar. You can access your global calendar from the main UBN Navigation Menu.

You can choose your calendar view:

  • Select Day or Month to zoom in on one day's tasks or plan for the weeks ahead.

  • Select Due Dates to focus only on your upcoming deadlines.

  • Select the Calendar Settings button in the upper-right corner to choose the calendars you want to see. 

Additional Information / Contact Information

To report a problem or for further assistance please select the Request Service button on the right.

Blackboard Support Contact Information & Hours

Employee Request Student & Public Request


Service ID: 113
Thu 10/12/23 3:35 PM
Thu 12/7/23 2:47 PM