YuJa Media is the primary video platform used in Blackboard.
You should not need to Log In to view a video.
If you are asked to Log In or Authenticate you may need to adjust some settings in your web browser. You can also try using a different web browser such as Safari, Edge, Firefox or Chrome.
These instructions provided by YuJa should resolve the issue. There are instructions on this page for all browsers.
https://support.yuja.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049583574-Enabling-Third-Party-Cookies. Be sure to close and re-open the browser after changing the setting.
Note that in the instructions it asks you to manually add a site, but make sure it is not the example site. It should be https://sanjac.yuja.com and https://yuja.sanjac.edu.
For the "URL of the website you are using to access the YuJa Video Platform" enter https://blackboard.sanjac.edu.
You should also clear your browser cache and cookies, exit and reopen the browser.
Instructions for doing so can be found here https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-clear-your-cache-on-any-browser
If none of these things work, you can contact YuJa Support so they can assist you.
Here is their contact information:
Visit Us- YuJa Help Center
Call Us - 1-888-257-2278
Email Us - Support@YuJa.com
Please let us know if the problem is not resolved by following these steps or talking with Yuja Support.
Call us at 281-542-2084 or Submit a Service Request and we will be happy to assist.